Does My HVAC System Affect Sleep Quality in Scott, LA?

We all know how HVAC systems can impact comfort during the day, but they can also have important effects on sleep quality. The difference between a good HVAC system and a malfunctioning one can be the difference between sleeping soundly in Scott, LA and tossing and turning through the night. Here are a few ways that your HVAC system may affect sleep quality.

Temperatures and Comfort

Your HVAC system’s primary job of keeping you comfortable also extends into the time that you’re asleep. Having a programmable or smart thermostat can help regulate temperatures when everyone is sleeping. A faulty thermostat or system can make temperatures too warm or too cold to be able to sleep well.

Filters and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Though your HVAC system is not the only tool that you can use to improve and regulate the IAQ in your home, it is an important one. Inhaling polluted air can seriously disrupt your sleep, possibly forcing you to wake up multiple times throughout the night. This is why you need to make sure that the filters in your system are clean.

With that in mind, remember to change them about once every 60 to 90 days or whenever you can no longer see through them. Otherwise, both your IAQ and your overall system performance may decline.


When HVAC systems are in good shape, they should produce hardly any more noise than an unobtrusive hum. When they malfunction, however, you’ll start hearing all kinds of strange sounds, including banging, rumbling and loud squealing.

The HVAC system in your Scott, LA home could be a great asset in your quest to sleep better, or it could be a massive hindrance. That’s why you need to call Air Source One Cooling & Heating, Inc. and ask for our HVAC services to keep it running smoothly.

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